
Unlocking The Chiliad Glyphs - Part 3

The contents of this page is purely information based on my own personal theories & ideas
DO NOT take any as actual facts! All info provided are based on real information & clues

Original Glyph Images
The 5 Chiliad Glyphs

There are 5 confirmed Glyphs found on Mt Chiliad. 3 of the 5 are also found at the Salvation Mountain/UFO site. They are all named in the actual game files by the following:
  • Clue_Mountain01
  • Clue_Moon01

  • Clue_Moon02
  • Clue_Rain01

  •  Clue_Rain02

The file thread provides us with an interesting combination of Glyph names. Could these provide us with a way to solve the Chiliad mystery?
The initial discovery of the Chiliad UFO was constructed using only 2 of the 5 Glyphs. The moon clue & the rain clue Glyphs. But could they be in fact a combination of 3 Glyphs? The mountain clue plus the moon clue plus the rain clue to unlock the time. place & conditions to view the Chiliad UFO?
If we were to use the analogy of the 3 clues from the 5 Glyphs as actual UFO's that we need to interact with. I do not find any reason to include the FZ (Fort Zancudo) UFO in this presumption due to its complete different composition in form & appearance compared to the other 3. I would pinpoint these 3 Glyphs as the following:
  • Clue_Mountain01 = Chiliad UFO
 Chiliad UFO - The mountain clue has been debated about for many months on its actual meaning. Many have considered this Glyph as representing a radio tower, also a UFO beam. Given the actual naming of the file as mountain clue, also the actual image represents the depiction of a UFO above a building on top of a mountain peak with the zig zag line representing the path leading up to the mountain peak, as i had always suspected this Glyph to represent. The combination of all these similarities leads me to the conclusion that this Glyph does in fact depict the Mt Chiliad UFO. Only viewable from the Mt Chiliad peak observation deck location. It also resembles the same image from a distance, & is also depicted in the mural with the square box shape at the top of Mt Chiliads peak.

  •  Clue_Moon01 =
  Moon Clue - The moon clue was devised to represent 3am in the morning when deciphering the Mt Chiliad UFO clues. The 3 lines represent the time, & the half moon shape would naturally predict it being night time. This is also a confirmed clue.
  • Clue_Moon02 = Sunken UFO
Sunken UFO -  It also fits well with the Glyph image Found submerged in Paleto Bay with only half of the UFO visible due to being wedged into the rock & coral on the sea floor.
  •  Clue_Rain01 = Raining Conditions
Rain Clue - The rain clue was easily distinguished by the rain cloud in the image when deciphering the Mt Chiliad UFO clues. This is also a confirmed clue.
  • Clue_Rain02 = Sandy Shores UFO

Sandy Shores UFO - The Sandy Shores UFO would represent this image also. Being as there are no landmarks that could be used as in the mountain clue. There was no physical damage or visual obscurity to this UFO either like the moon 02 clue, so the Glyph showing the entire UFO would clearly be the most logical choice.

Why choose these 3 particular UFO's?

Because of the direct similarity between these 3 UFO's found within the game. The similar appearance & makeup of these 3 UFO's gives them a common theme, & is more likely than having the Fort Zancudo UFO depicting the aliens on the mural & Glyphs.
2 have the F.I.B logo attached to them. But all have the distinct same design, color &  characteristics.
  • All have portal openings beneath that beam out a light in a timed sequence. The sunken UFO also has one when you view it from inside the UFO glitching into the underneath of the UFO while wearing scuba gear.

  •  They all have the same rooftop antennae on the 3 UFO's.

Want to know more about the UFO's? Please click the following link: 


I believe the Chiliad UFO is a hologram of the Sandy Shores UFO, which can only be seen when viewing in the correct weather condition, location & time on Mt Chiliad as was discovered.

What could be transferring this image?

Its unlikely to be the UFO's themselves, as close scrutiny of the Sandy Shores UFO has shown no such device transmitting any image. My best observation of the possible source would be the 1 misaligned radar dish at the satellite dish site controlled by the F.I.B & scientists. It is pointing in the general direction of the Chiliad UFO, & with little other leads to follow this would be my most logical choice for the F.I.B & scientists being present at this site.

Want to know more about the Satellite Dish Site? Please click the following link: 

Salvation Mountain/UFO Site Connection:

These are also the same 3 similar Glyphs used to solve viewing the Mt Chiliad UFO. The naming of all 3 of these Glyphs have not been confirmed in the game files, but i have used the similar pattern to help keep them in the same context of the mystery.
  • Clue_Mountain02

This Glyph can be found here, behind the Salvation Mountain/UFO site.
  •  Clue_Moon03

This Glyph can be found at the Salvation Mountain/UFO site.
  • Clue_Rain03

This Glyph can be found at the Salvation Mountain/UFO site.

 Latest WORK IN PROGRESS 'Unlocking The Salvation Mountain/UFO Site'
check back regularly for updates!


Unlocking The Salvation Mountain/UFO Site - Part 4
